When considering eye corrective surgery, you likely have many questions about the process, risks, and recovery time. We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you make an informed decision when visiting an eye corrective facility.
What is LASIK treatment?
LASIK treatment involves using a Zeiss MEL 80™ Excimer Laser to modify the curvature of the cornea, similar to polishing glass. This change is performed within the corneal tissue, resulting in faster recovery compared to other techniques.
Will I feel pain during or after the operation?
LASIK treatment is not painful. Anesthesia drops are sufficient for the procedure. During surgery, you may feel pressure on the eye but no pain. In the first 2-4 hours post-surgery, there may be slight burning and a “debris” sensation in the eye. It’s recommended to rest with your eyes closed for a couple of hours after surgery.
What may happen if I blink or move my eye during the procedure?
It’s important to remain calm and follow the doctor’s instructions. Our state-of-the-art tracking system can track eye movement during the laser application.
What kind of precautions should I take after surgery?
We recommend using sunglasses for protection from wind, environmental particles, and sunlight. Apply medicated eye drops as prescribed, and avoid contact sports or swimming until your doctor approves. You can continue exercising one day after the operation.
Can I have both eyes operated at the same time?
If both eyes are visually impaired and there are no medical reasons against it, both eyes can be operated on in the same session.
When may I continue my regular lifestyle after surgery?
We recommend resting at home for the first 48 hours after surgery. Most patients recover over 90% of their vision, allowing them to resume normal activities. The remaining 10% returns in the following days.
Additional Considerations
Ensure the facility has the latest equipment and experienced staff.
Inquire about potential risks, complications, and success rates.
Discuss your individual needs, expectations, and concerns with the surgeon.
Ask about postoperative care, follow-up appointments, and any additional costs.