After cataract surgery, it’s essential to take proper care of your eyes to ensure a smooth and efficient recovery. In this guide, we’ll outline simple and easy-to-follow postoperative care tips to help you recover from cataract surgery without complications.
Post-Cataract Surgery Care Tips
Rest: Stay at home and rest for the first 48 hours after surgery. Your eyes may feel sensitive, and you might experience sensations like foreign body or debris, burning, and discomfort to light. These are normal and should subside in the early postoperative hours.
Medication: Follow your doctor’s prescription and take medications as directed to help with your recovery.
Avoid Rubbing: Do not rub your operated eye, as it can cause complications.
Sunglasses: Wear dark sunglasses after surgery to protect your eyes from environmental particles and light, which can be uncomfortable during the early recovery period.
Diet: You may return to your usual diet on the same day as the procedure.
Hygiene: Resume your normal personal hygiene routine the day after surgery, but be careful not to hurt your eye(s).
Exercise: You can start exercising the day after the procedure but avoid contact sports and swimming until your doctor gives you the green light.
Makeup: Wait for at least one week before wearing makeup on or around your operated eye(s).
Stay Alert: If you have any questions or experience abnormal sensations, contact your doctor immediately.
By following these easy-to-understand postoperative care tips, you can help ensure a smooth and efficient recovery from cataract surgery. Remember, it’s essential to stay in touch with your doctor and follow their guidance throughout your recovery process.